If you’ve been following my Instagram stories you know all about my struggle to get back into shape! And if you haven’t, let me bring you up to speed (don’t worry – it’s the Readers Digest version). Since early in college I’ve been really “into” fitness. I enjoy the camaraderie of group fitness. I thrive on the endorphin release. And I place my self-worth in my level of physical fitness.

this entire look can be found at Gordmans
Well over the last 2 years this has gradually spiraled downward to obsolete smithereens of nothingness. I’ve put everyone and everything in my life before my own health. My husband. My child. My family. My business. My blog. My career. Everything! (except cooking ha ha ha). In my defense, we have moved 7 times in the last 2 years. This isn’t exactly conducive to finding a stable workout routine. Hell, half the time I didn’t even know what zip code we were waking up in. ha ha.
So – enough of the past and the negativity! Moral of the story – 2018 is all about ME! Again, if you follow my Instagram stories you know this because I’ve proclaimed, very loudly, my selfishness in this year. 2017 was NOT a very good year for me or our family. And I’ve vowed that 2018 will be different. I’ve done a ton of soul searching, praying, and reflecting to determine why the year was just so brutal. And what I can do to make 2018 the complete opposite. {A full blog post is coming about my 2017 reflections and my resolutions for 2018 – stay tuned}

how cute is this mesh hoodie I found at Gordmans
For me – happiness and positivity stems largely from how I feel about myself. And that comes from my level of health. There’s something about the endorphin release of a good workout that makes you feel like you can take on just about anything. Even if I’m 10 lbs heavier. For me its not about losing weight or fitting into a certain pair of jeans. It’s about how I feel about myself. Knowing that I’m healthy. Feeling physically fit when I run up a flight of stairs with groceries in my hand or chasing Parker around the house.

the mesh cutouts on these leggings sold me – and the Sketchers sneakers are weightless! all from Gordmans
So – here are health and fitness goals for 2018 and my plan to stick to them.
After all….A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish.
- Create a Workout Plan and Write It Down – For me, nothing happens if I don’t write it down. I live and die by a planner and sometimes I even block out hectic days by the hour. So just like a doctors appointment that I would put in my planner, so is my gym time. I personally love group exercise classes. So scheduling is easy. I start the week, on Sunday, by looking at the gym class schedule and comparing it to my personal schedule for the week. I find 5-6 classes that fit into my schedule and I write them down. Now they are an appointment. They can’t be broken.
- Drink TONS of Water – This one is really hard for me because I love coffee. Like LOVE the taste of coffee. Often times I find myself still drinking coffee at 3pm – and I’ve had very little, if any, water. And we’re supposed to be drinking 1/2 our body weight in ounces of water each day. Yea! Thats a lot of water! So I decided to set “goals” for myself throughout the day. {Yes I know this is corny, but if thats what I takes – thats what it takes}. For example, before I’m “allowed” to enjoy my morning cup of joe, I have to drink an entire 12 oz glass of water. The proper water jug makes this possible. I love ice cold water so I keep my 20oz Yeti with me all day so my water stays nice and cold and I have no excuse.
- Plan Your Meals Strategically – Of these 3 tips, this is HANDS DOWN the hardest for me! Anyone who knows me, knows that I don’t like to cook. Like AT ALL! So because I don’t have meals planned, we get down to 5pm, I go into panic mode and we either order take out or we go out to eat. So I’m relying on Pinterest (check my healthy choices board here) and my crockpot to get me through! I’m planning meals that can be used 2 days in a row. For example, a large lasagna. Or a delish baked chicken that can be shredded the second day for tacos or to put over a large salad or pasta dish.
- Start the Week with a Fridge Full of Groceries – Meal planning doesn’t exactly work if you don’t have the groceries to prepare the meals. So Sundays are my grocery shopping day. I actually grocery shop from bed on Sunday night and have groceries delivered on Monday morning. {You can real all about my obsession with Instacart grocery delivery service here}. If I’m working, our sitter will put them away and throw something into the crockpot. But having healthy choices available in the fridge is probably the most crucial part of getting back into shape for me!
I definitely don’t have it all figured out, but reflecting, analyzing, and planning is a safe start!
Let’s be honest for a second – nothing makes working out more fun than new activewear! I recently went into Gordmans and was overwhelmed by their huge assortment of really great athleisure and activewear. They are so on point with all the trends. Mesh and fun colors. This mesh hoodie immediately jumped out at me. It’s the perfect piece to throw on over your tank top. I personally feel a little insecure running errands after a workout in a tank top. But sometimes a sweatshirt is too heavy. This is the perfect piece. And the mesh cutout leggings are ALL the rave! They match perfectly with the hoodie and the oh-so-comfortable and LIGHT AS A FEATHER Sketchers sneakers! The best part about Gordman’s is their prices. They are known for having unbeatable prices on everything in their store! And they do! From home goods to activewear and everything in between. Be sure to check out their website here to find a store near you.
Cheers to 2018
– Meghan
You are being smart…meals for two days. You know I like to cook and I do it twice a week. Crock pot good tip top. I.e. Beef with potatoes and carrots .. next day make Shepard she pie with leftovers. Keep it up. ❤️
Love the hoodie and can’t wait to see you crush your 2018 goals! Cheers to a better year!