photo by Courtney Lemons
I know we’re 3 weeks into the new year, but it’s never too late to talk about goal setting. If you read my last blog post (here) I mentioned that 2018 was one of my best years yet largely in part to setting goals. For the first time in my life, I actually sat down and wrote down goals, changes, and how I was going to achieve those. So here I am doing it again this year.
Reflecting on what I didn’t like about 2018. What I want to be different in 2019. And how, SPECIFICALLY, I can implement those changes. It really is crazy how writing things down somehow, “magically” makes them come to fruition. It’s like your mind and body are finally in sync with the universe. By “putting it out there” it somehow gets done. This past year, after writing down my goals, when I reflected on them, most of them had been met. I didn’t check them monthly, or quarterly, or half yearly. I actually didn’t check them at all. But somehow, they were accomplished. Or at least attempted.
So for this year, I’m focusing on ME! I am my goal!
As selfish as that sounds, its the truth. 2018 was all about being pregnant and bringing this new baby into the world and 2017 was all about getting pregnant. Both of which are exhausting processes. Both emotionally and physically. SO. This year is about ME! Getting my groove back and doing the things that TRULY make me happy. I’ve broken it down into two main things that I NEED for myself. 1. Diving more into the Bible and starting my days in prayer. And 2. working out. SO much of my life has been around exercise and fitness until I had kids. But that’s all going to change THIS YEAR.
As women we spend the majority of our lives caring for others. We are expected to be ON at all times. Someone ALWAYS needs us. It seems that “caretaker” is our natural, assumed role in life. Which as we all know, leaves VERY little time for ourselves. But how can anyone take care of others if they don’t take care of themselves first? It’s like when you board a plane with a child and the airline stewardess comes around and tells you “if there is an emergency, please put on YOUR oxygen mask first and THEN put on your child’s.” So that’s what I’m committing to this year…taking care of me.
My “Better Me” Plan For 2019
Being Diligent in Prayer/Devotional: My sister and I have committed to read a book together. Not only does doing something together hold us accountable, but it gives us a scheduled time to talk each week. Which I love! I miss her dearly and this gives us something to spark conversation (not that we need any help in that dept ;). This will be a chance for us to grow in our own personal relationship and that with God. So we ordered a book and we’ve promised to talk twice a week. We didn’t want to over commit and stress each other out. So we’re starting slow, reading a little each night, and then chatting over the workbook twice a day.
Recommended journal for logging your devotionals/quiet times
Recommended devotional books or bible studies
Exercising on a regular basis: This one is hard. Especially now with two kids. And working 3 days a week. And a husband who will be out of town for the next 8 months. So…against my better judgement, we are putting a “gym” in our house. I’ve never been good at working out at home, but I’m going to give it a try. Because honestly, I have no idea how I will ever get back to the gym. So here we go. We’ve made the space really fun and exciting and I’m getting some great equipment. Things that I LOVE to use in the gym. (I’ll share more about my little sanctuary later this year)
Other Common 2019 Goals
On Instagram I recently asked what people’s goals were for 2019. These were the most common answers and a few of my thoughts.
Drink More Water: I don’t let myself start having coffee for the day until I’ve had a full 16 oz of water. That’s one Yeti thermos in the mornings. If I’m going to the gym in the morning it makes things a little easier…drinking water during my workout and treating myself to coffee when I get home. I suggest getting a thermos of some sort and KNOWING how much water it holds. Use an app (like My Fitness Pal) to track your water and enter it IMMEDIATELY once you finish a serving. At the end of the day, if you’re not where you should be….CHUG 🙂
You should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day.
Put on Makeup Every Day: So I have mixed emotions about this one. I personally REALLY dislike wearing makeup. But I must confess….I feel 10x better every time I do put on makeup and start my day looking (and feeling) put together. But I do not think you need to put on a “full face” every day. Unless of course that is your “thing.” Then go for it girl! There are plenty of quick and easy, 5 min makeup, options.

shop Flawless in Five options HERE
Read More Books: Ahhhhh! This speaks to my heart! I LOVE reading books. Man this is the key to everything. Learning about yourself. Other people. Places. How To. Where To. Why To. Or just a good trashy read to get lost in! All the things! I love this goal. I would make a list of books to read and then make a REALISTIC calendar of how many pages to read each day. It probably sounds more like studying than leisurely reading ha ha. But if it keeps you COMMITTING time out of your day for YOURSELF then it’s worth it.
How To Stick to Your Goals
I’m not an expert, but these are things I’ve found helpful to keep me on track with my goals past Jan 31.
Make realistic goals: This is the fastest way to quit your goal! It’s the same as making a “to do” list that’s so insanely long you constantly feel like you’re falling short. You will get overwhelmed, feel like a failure, and end up quitting. Don’t OVER commit yourself. Be realistic with yourself…even if it hurts. If you WANT to workout 5 days a week but KNOW that realistically you can only do 3…then start with 3. I can guarantee that 3 will QUICKLY turn to 5, because you won’t be disappointed in yourself.
Write Down Your Goals: This one is CLUTCH! Once you put it out there into the universe, you “say” it out loud….it kinda just happens. So even if its in the back of your planner, write it down. I write two lists. “What I want to do in 2019” and “How I’m going to achieve goals in 2019”. My challenge for this year is to check in on my goals every few months. To stay the course.
A Goal Without a Plan Is Just A Wish
Get Organized and Create a Plan: I love this quote. Because it’s so true! If you don’t have a plan to execute your goals, they might as well be a wish. I love a planner. That’s how I stay organized. So get out a calendar, or your phone, or an old school planner and make a PLAN. By the day. Mark down your workouts each week. Plan out page numbers you will read in your books. Plan our your meals for the week. Set your alarm 5 mins earlier to put on your makeup. Whatever it is, create a plan and write it down.
My Favorite Organization and Planning Tools of ALL TIME
Accountability: THIS is going to keep you from falling off your goals! As the newness of a goal wears off, the excitement flattens, its harder to stay on track. So find a friend. Your mom. Your sister. Your husband. Someone who has the same goals. Someone who you can work towards your goals WITH or at least CHECK IN. At first it will probably feel like a chore, as all new commitments do. But over time you will start to look forward to it and then feel empty without it. But having that person to give you a little nudge along the way is clutch.
I recently received a lot of feedback on Instagram about women needing accountability in their lives. So I created a private FB group where we can hold each other accountable and openly discuss goals, plans, and celebrate each others successes. Join HERE.
What are your goals for 2019? And what’s your plan of attack? I’d love for you to drop them below in the comments!
Happy Wednesday and Cheers to You 😉
Awesome ! You are a good motivator even for us older folks. 😘
Awesome ! You have given me some good refresher ideas I use to do. You are a good motivator even for us older folks. 😘
Great writing. You have given me some good refresher ideas I use to do. You are a good motivator even for us older folks. 😘
Yay!!!! I love it!! We all need a little motivation….no matter how old we are 😉
Love this post and all of your goals! We are on the same track sister. It feels so selfish to say “my resolutions are all about ME” but if you don’t take care of yourself, who the F is going to!!! Cheers to 2019 being the best yet!
Agreed! Agreed! Agreed! No one!! No one will take care of you. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one focusing on ME this year!!