Where we live in the St Louis suburbs doesn’t exactly have the shopping experiences I would prefer. But back in the fall I discovered this amazing little gem which has since become my saving grace! I was stumbling around our “mall” one day, disappointed that Dillards had closed down, and happened upon a little slice of heaven that goes by the name of Evereve. Not gonna lie – I assumed it was an adult entertainment shop. I guess the “Eve” got me. But I was frantic to find a few things for our trip to Napa so I popped in.
And pleasantly surprised is an understatement! I walked in to find the most adorable, trendy, age appropriate, comfortable clothing options I’ve seen since…well EVER! I was gross from a workout, but the cutest girl who appeared to be about my age offered me a dressing room. A decent amount of time later the same girl politely returned to check on me. I open the door and confess that I feel gross in XYZ, I like XYZ, and I need different sizes in XYZ. This sparks a convo between myself and two sales associates. 30 minutes later I’ve learned their names, seen pictures of their babies, and been given a handful of NON-PUSHY alternatives to address my “issues”.
Before leaving, with a ton of adorable goodies, I was well informed that Evereve is a company started by a mom (whose name is also Megan so of course I was hooked) for moms. The clothes are strategically chosen to be functional, well crafted, TRENDY clothes that are suitable for MOMS! They have a large assortment of price points and styles. The sales associates are moms. The dressing rooms are large enough for strollers. There are toys in the back to keep your kid entertained. And there is a massive bowl of gold fish with little “swish cups” (you know what I’m talking about 😉 to keep your child’s mouth full and quite while you shop.
I left on a high. Not only did these super sweet girls send me home with options that I REALLY felt good in, but they also ordered me 3 pairs of white jeans that they didn’t carry in the store to try on in the comfort of my home with the intentions of returning 2 (which yes I did that). I also felt like I made friends. No lie! These girls were moms. About my age. They wanted to know about my business and my daughter. About my trip with Tom. And they didn’t disagree with my crazy quirks that I have about my body.

my favorite Friday night dinner date {shop sweatshirt below}
So 2 weeks later I go back to return my white jeans and of course had to test out the stroller compatible dressing room and the gold fish buffet. Amazing!
I really can’t rave enough about the whole shopping experience. I mean so much so that I’m writing all of this jazz because I TRULY think women everywhere need to just live in Evereve (literally). The clothes are QUALITY and they are meant to fit moms. Because lets be honest…aint nothin’ the same after “birthin’ a baby” (if you know that reference you’re a true southern belle). But the clothes are trendy. I mean totally on point with what most of us WANT to be wearing but very few of us are lucky enough to still fit into the Xhilaration brand at Target. And the girls who work there are moms also – not a 16 year old girl who doesn’t want to hear about your mom bod probs and will likely be annoyed to the point of celibacy 5 minutes into the kid charade. Its a relaxed vibe with women who appreciate style but also the mom game.
Here are a few more amazing facts about Evereve (if the toys, goldfish, stroller accessibility, and comfy cute clothes weren’t enough for you).
- You can sign up for their personal shopping “club”. Someone will hand pick clothes for you and send them to your house. I think you can even sign up locally with a person you can go meet up with every so often. Lets be real – shopping with kids sucks! Or you have to limit your purchases because you’re also paying a babysitter just to be there. Or you rush to make a decision and then get it home and hate it but the thought of going back to return it makes you physically ill so you keep it and never wear it! Nothing is better than clothes arriving at your door, trying them on with other things in your closet, wearing them around your house for a few hours, and making a REAL decision.
- You can host a girls night with your friends and can choose to benefit a charity with your purchases. WHAT? You want to shop, with your friends, and do good at the same time. Like win, win, win. And you can tell your husband you’re just at a charity event all night 😉
Oh and did I mention the girls are super knowledgeable? Both times I had a little “issue” with what I tried on. And they had LEGIT solutions for me!
“I like this flannel shirt but what do I wear under it?” A graphic T duh. Yep! I’ve got that in my closet (and I’ve never worn it). SOLD.
“I love this ripped sweatshirt but I have a large chest and it kind of hangs off me and is a little unflattering.” Do the front tuck – you know – tuck in one corner to show off your waist line. Oh and wear it with camo pants to look super hip. Done (thanks for the education on the front tuck). and Done (I actually own camo pants bc well…do you know my husband?). SOLD again.
So here are a few of my favorite purchases I’ve made so far. I have already gotten so much wear out of each item that its worth every single penny. And y’all I’m not fluffing this. These are staples in my monthly rotation. I find myself going back to this stuff over and over again!

my go-to-almost-every-single-day shoe. i own them in multiple colors. worth stalking eBay for a pair
If there isn’t an Evereve near by I highly suggest ordering a few things from their website. You have 30 days to slip them back into the mail for a return. But I promise you will NOT be disappointed!