Thank you to Pink Blush for sponsoring this post. This post may contain affiliate links, but all ideas and styling are my own.

I’m obsessing over all the yellow hues this season. And I’ve been a bit jealous that I can’t quite wear all the cute yellow beauties out there. But thankfully Pink Blush has some really awesome options for pre and post baby!
Ok – lets go ahead and address the big white elephant in the room…I’m WEEELLLLL past my first trimester in this pregnancy. Try – I’m going on 30 weeks pregnant. And I’m well aware of it 😉 ha ha. I said I was going to do this periodically throughout this pregnancy buuuuuut life happens huh? Raising a toddler, working mom life happened. ha. So here we are…entering into week 30 and I’m finally sharing a little about my first trimester with baby girl #2. (second trimester to come….hopefully before the baby ha ha)

This cami is perfect for these last few super hot summer months but it also transitions right on into fall with a cardigan and jeans.
First Trimester Recap
When Did You Realize You Were Preggo?
The way I discovered I was pregnant with BOTH girls happened basically EXACTLY the same! With both of them I felt VERY pregnant before the stick could even detect the hormones ha ha.
But this time was a little different in that we had been trying for 12 months longer than we did the first go round. After much despair and a whole host of tests that came back “normal” (thank God), I wound up on Clomid. The drug from hell. To anyone who’s ever been on this drug – God bless you! I did one round and could barely stand myself! At one point I apologized to Tom for even having to live with me. Raging b**** is an understatement. And talk about hot flash city! I now know why women on this junk wind up pregnant….because you strip all of your clothes off in your sleep!! (literally)
Anywho – after round 1 of Clomid, Tom left for baseball season and P and I stayed at home. A few weeks after he left I could not get out of bed. I physically could not bring myself to wake up in the mornings. I mean Parker would be yelling from her crib for a solid 45 mins “MOOOOM! COME GET ME!” (whoops. Don’t report me!) So after a few days of trying to play it off as “single mom exhaustion” I finally took a test. Negative. But I knew I was pregnant. A week prior we celebrated my father in laws b-day at a local Hibachi joint and I thought I wouldn’t make it through dinner. Just the smell of seafood made me want to dash to the bathroom. So much so that I took a test on the way back to their house for cake — again, negative. But I’m pretty sure I ate nothing but birthday cake for dinner ha ha.
So fast forward a few more days and boom – positive. Which was EXACTLY how I found out with P. Tom had just left for baseball season and all the tests I took before he left were negative. And of course, once he was gone and we couldn’t celebrate together…positive. With P I couldn’t contain my excitement and I told him over the phone. But not this time. I waited to tell him in person.
It was actually the day of the SoLayne Designs “mommy and me” spring photo shoot that I discovered I was preggo. No wonder I was exhausted and had no patience 😉 But it made the day that much more special!
How Did You Share the News With Tom?
A few weeks after the stick showed two lines, Parker and I went down to Florida to visit Tom. I was certain he had no idea and his mind was more centered on baseball. So I knew anything would surprise him, but I also wanted to share with him in a way that involved Parker. So I had a lady here in St Louis make the cutest little t-shirt that read “Only Child Season Ending Nov 2018”. I knew if he saw her in a shirt with a baseball on it he wouldn’t be thrown off right away 😉
So the first night we were in town, as he’s casually attaching bed rails to her bed, she walks in and says “daddy look at my shirt.” He claims that he knew already! Whatever? ha ha.
How Did You Feel During Your First Trimester?
With both girls I was super nauseous! Like can’t even watch TV commercials about food nauseous. This go round I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t AS nauseous — only because I wanted it to be a boy so badly. ha hah. But I definitely was! And when you’re constantly trying to suppress your last meal, you really don’t want to eat fruits and veggies. Just carbs. LOTS of carbs. And greasy food for some reason. Which seems counterintuitive, but its like a college hangover that NEVER goes away! You know, you wake up feeling sick and all you want is a burger and fries. YEP! THAT! ha ha. All of which is probably why I gained a TON of weight in the first 3 months!!
I also experienced an exhaustion I’d never known before! With Parker I was tired all the time, but I didn’t have a toddler depending on me. This go round it truly felt like I had been abducted by aliens or something crazy! I was living outside of MY body! Or in someone else’s body. Something. Something strange.
I vividly remember being in FL, Tom would leave at 6:30am for the field, Parker would wake up around 8am and I would bring her into my bed and make her watch cartoons (while I slept) sometimes for TWO HOURS! Yes. You read that right! Then, when she napped, I napped. This is 150% why I fell off the social media train. I physically could not function.
And I don’t remember it being this extreme with Parker. BUT Tom does remind me that I slept in, napped, and went to bed early when I was pregnant with her. So maybe it was the same. The only difference was having to care for another human in between. Who knows? But I do know that when the second trimester rolled around I TRULY felt like a fog was lifted. Like I could think straight again. You know when you’re so tired you can’t even make sense of a situation? You literally can not think straight. YEA. That’s how I felt for 3 months. It was basically awful!! And the entire time I was doing it I remember thinking “who in their right mind does this a third time?” ha ha.
How Does Pregnancy Work When You Move so Much for Baseball Season?
So being pregnant and moving 3 times a year makes for an interesting situation. Basically…you get REALLY used to letting anyone and everyone examine you! ha ha. No. But really. That’s kind of the gist of it!
I got insanely lucky this pregnancy, the stars aligned, God played his part, and Tom was picked up by the Red Sox – same team he was with when I was preggo with P. So I knew the drill….
You see a team referred doctor in Florida during spring training (same guy I saw with Parker). Then you see a doctor during season (I was planning to see the same doc I saw for 5 months with Parker in Boston —- who is AHHHHMAZING). And then, if needed, you see your delivering doc (regular OB) back home in St Louis to catch the baby. Or at least thats how it went with P.
This time, life (aka: baseball) threw us a curve ball and I ended up back at home in St Louis after Florida. So the Boston part never happened. But it all worked out, because I get to see my regular, delivering doc here (at “home”) for my entire pregnancy. Which is far different from the last time…I showed up at 37 weeks, we had a handful of appointments and she delivered P a few weeks later.
So I’m excited to have continuity with my doc here in St Louis. She too is amazing!! We’ve developed a really good friendship outside of the office and I feel like she really “gets” me! After all, I think she’s the only doc in America who would let me go 8 days past my due date, “labor” for 29 hours, confidently coach me through a delivery without a C-section and THEN text me a meme the day after that reads “Sex ed should be taught by a woman a week past her due date.” ha ha ha ha. YEA! She gets me!! Thanks Dr. M. Love you, mean it 😉
I’ll share a second trimester recap super soon!
Thanks so much for following along! I’d love to hear your feedback below.