Here we are folks! Third trimester officially! Everything they say is true – it goes faster with each one! I can’t believe this journey will soon come to a close and we’ll have another sweet little baby in our crew. It’s scary and exciting at the same time.
I haven’t had a chance to write a pregnancy update but to be honest…there’s not a whole lot to update. Other than the fact that she’s growing and I’m growing…a LOT! ha ha. I’m finally at that stage of good sleep. aka: you’re so exhausted by the time you crawl into bed you have no idea if you even move at night! These other two are wearing me out these days. But it’s kind of nice because it leaves little time to think about how uncomfortable I am!
Speaking of uncomfortable, I’m having less pregnancy “symptoms” this time than I did the first two times. Or maybe I just have no time to recognize them! The only thing I am experiencing is some sciatic pain in my right leg. Doing a job where I sit all day definitely doesn’t help. Some days when I stand up from seeing a patient, my right leg immediately feels like it’s going to buckle under me. And other mornings I have a burning/numbness going down the back of my right leg. BUT I’m seeing a chiropractor next week. I saw one with Parker (to flip her from a breech position) and it was amazing. Other than that, I honestly can’t complain. And more than anything I’m just getting more and more sad that this journey will come to an end and I (likely) will never feel these little kicks again. So I’m trying to soak up every moment.
I’ve gotten quite a few questions on Instagram and I wanted to answer them all in one place.
Did you have C sections or natural birth with the first two?
I was actually the first female in 3 generations of my family to avoid a C section! SAY WHAT?! I know right! But it wasn’t as easy as it sounds. Both of my babies had to be evicted by induction…Parker at 7 days past due date. And she was born on the 8th day. Yea you’re doing the math huh?! 29 hours after the Pitocin started her stubborn little butt was finally in my arms. ha ha. I (clearly) don’t do “natural” births. I’m all for the epidural but I did manage to have vaginal deliveries with both girls.
What kind of car will you drive with 3 kids?
Whomever submitted this question must be on the same page as my dad. ha ha. He keeps nudging me towards a larger vehicle…clearly he’s very concerned! So I drive a GMC Yukon (not the XL but the shorter one thats like a Tahoe). And the middle is bucket seats, which I love by the way. And Parker can buckle herself into her carseat, so we plan to put her in the “way back” third row. It will be a bit of a pain but I’ll just have to crawl between the seats to cinch her down. The two bucket seats will have the younger two in an infant carseat and a rear facing upright seat.
I know you love working. Will you continue to work after baby 3?
As you guys know, I LOVE to work outside the home. (read my blog post here) Oddly enough I’m a much happier (and hectic) human when I leave the house for work. At least a few days a week. So yes I will continue to work. Right now I work Mon-Wed, every third Friday, and occasional Thursdays. Truthfully, two days a week and an occasional Friday would be my dream schedule. But either way I will continue to work outside the home.
If I decided to stay at home now I would be so much busier than I was years ago when Parker was little. Three kids would keep me busy all day long. So I may enjoy it more now than I did then. But regardless, I love GOING to work. So I’ll continue for now…and probably forever 😉
I wrote a blog post about preparing for my week as a working mom. I even shared a weekly cleaning schedule. You can read it here
What are your thoughts on the older two sharing a bedroom? Even if you have enough room in your home.
This is actually the great debate in our house right now. We only have 3 bedrooms so there’s technically “no room” for this baby. ha ha. Some people have suggested having Parker and Hudson share a room. My only issue with that is sleep. I like for EVERYONE to sleep! And right now they do…10-12 hours per night. (read my sleep training blog post here). So with Hudson only being 17 mos when the baby comes, I don’t know how much sleep her and Parker would get in the same room together. I know it would be an adjustment period for sure. But they get so silly together (which I love) and I don’t want to have to squash that every night. Hudson is also an insanely light sleeper. I can’t even turn her door knob without her little head popping up. So if she went to bed first, I’m certain she would wake up when Parker went in. We’ve tried to think through the logistics of them sharing a room and it just doesn’t seem to make sense.
So what is our plan? ha ha. We don’t really have one honestly! MOVE would be the ideal solution but we’ve been house hunting for quite some time with no luck. So I think for a short period of time we will keep her in our room…in our closet. ha ha. I know I know! It sounds crazy. But if we move our clothes to the basement then we would have room for a little makeshift “nursery” in our closet…aka just a crib. The house hunt will continue and if the time comes she may reside in a closet.
Did you buy your current house with 3 kids in mind?
No we definitely did not. But we also didn’t really have 3 kids on our radar…whoops! Our home was a 2 or 3 year plan. Now, 6 years later we’re still here and busting at the seams.
Favorite prenantal vitamin?
I’m pretty basic with my prenatal vitamins. I just buy whatever’s on sale at Target with DHA and folic acid. Usually Womens OneADay or Nature Made.
Will you be keeping her name a secret or sharing before she’s born?
Yes for sure! We always keep it a secret. Even from our siblings, best friends, and parents. We’ve never been 150% committed to a name so much that we were brave enough to share. We’ve always had 2 or 3 names that we like equally and we don’t share for fear of “reactions”. You know those sideways comments you get that end up skewing your opinion of a name. We don’t really want to hear any of those when we’re still mildly uncertain of a name.
We started by keeping Parkers name a “surprise” because literally 5 days before she was due we were still unsure of exactly what her name was! So we really had nothing to share with anyone! Hudson we were committed to about 2 months before she was born but kind of enjoyed the element of excitement by keeping it a surprise. It’s really fun to have people hanging on that one surprise and seeing their excitement of a new baby and learning her name at the same time. So yes…it’s a secret…and no we don’t know what it is at this point. ha ha
Has the Chinese gender calendar been right with all your girls?
No it actually has not. With Parker it predicted a boy. But with Hudson and #3 it predicted a girl.
How are you feeling?
Currently – large! And exhausted! Ha ha. I’m the biggest I’ve been with all 3 kids but I’m also the busiest. So I’m chalking this up to mother nature and baby #3. I truthfully can’t complain. Plus I’m kind of one of those weird people who likes being pregnant. I’ve been the least nauseous this pregnancy and my acid reflux has been NOTHING compared to the last two. The few symptoms I am having I shared at the top of this post.
The only other thing I’m feeling is sadness. We’re 95% sure this is our last baby. So knowing that all of these feelings, sweet kicks, and this huge bump will never be felt again…it’s pretty sad! I know why “babies” in the family are just that…babies! I’m going to try to treat this next one as close to the same as the other two, but I already foresee it being different. Just knowing that everything we do together is the last. That makes me sad.
How did you tell Tom?
Oh this is a funny one! Tom was actually the one who suggested I take a pregnancy test. ha ha. It took us SO long and a round of medication to get pregnant with Hudson that the thought of “this” happening wasn’t even on my radar. I wasn’t exactly “tracking” anything. So when he suggested I take a test (based on my mood I’m sure ha ha) I laughed. And then came out of the bathroom crying! Literally! I had a 9 month old, had just started working in a new office, and he had just come home from baseball. NOTHING was conducive to a newborn. Did I mention I had a 9 month old!?!? So I came out of the bathroom, he was grilling chicken on the porch but was standing in the kitchen at the time. So there we stood. Me crying and him laughing saying “I told you so.”
A few of my favorite maternity looks thus far: