We recently found ourselves in Baltimore with arctic breezes coming off the water and this ill prepared momma didn’t have enough warm clothes for P. So we quickly scooted over to Old Navy – the closest place we could find! It has probably been 3 to 4 years since I’ve shopped at Old Navy. Not for any particular reason. I just kind of forget about it! HOLY COW they have adorable stuff for kiddos!! MIND BLOW!! For real!! And I can’t speak for the women’s clothes because my “sweet P” decided to act like a demonic possessed child and scream (yes I mean SCREAMING, red faced, with tears pouring down) for 25 straight minutes. No I’m not making this up….people were staring and making those “OMG YOU POOR WOMAN” faces and a few others were making “OMG IF YOU DON’T GET HER OUT OF HERE I’M GOING TO START SCREAMING” faces. We were all concerned that her head might start spinning in circles at any moment! REAL LIFE! Anyway — so because of this exorcistic (is that a word?) behavior, I threw like 50 things in the bottom of my stroller and darted for the checkout. But when I got home and started going through my impulse purchases I was even more in love the second go round! These are a few of our favorites and a few that I didn’t get a chance to see….gee I wonder why?!?! Enjoy!!

Seriously! I want these in my size!
Yaasssss love some old navy baby!!!!