Parker is already so excited about Valentine’s Day. They must be hyping it up at school because she continues to ask if we’re coming to her Valentine’s party! And I’m all about ANY day where I get to show a little extra love to my girls.
Valentine’s Day is one of the few holidays where I like to dress my girls in themed clothing. Probably because the choices are just too cute to pass up! I’m still not a huge fan of matching, but coordinating outfits are so fun. Here’s a few pieces for your little Valentine’s this year.

- Heart Striped Tunic Sweater // I actually ordered this one for Parker and can’t rave about it enough. It’s great, thick quality woven cotton that looks much more expensive than it is. Put it with leggings and boots and it’s the perfect outfit for your school aged girl.
- Glitter Heart Purse // I know this purse isn’t practice for school aged kids, but I just think it’s adorable! It would also make a great gift for your little lady.
- Pink Heart Peplum Top // I love the pink on pink with the peplum detail. This would also be adorable with jeggings and some little flats or boots.
- Sherpa Lined Heart Knee Patch Leggings // The coziest little leggings for your little lady. This subtle hint of “love” is a great fit for almost any top or tunic.
- Glitter Heart Headband // My favorite thing about this headband is that the heart is flat. Its just a cute little addition to their Valentine’s day hair.
- Love Mixed Media Dress // I love the look of a sweater and a skirt but in an easy one piece dress. The mixed media makes a little more sophisticated look that could be worn well after Valentine’s Day.
- Cozy Fleece Lined Heart Socks // These socks aren’t practical for wearing with shoes, but to wear around the house they’re adorable. My girls love cozy socks and slippers.
- Heart Pajamas // Who doesn’t love an excuse for new pajamas?! Plus my kids seem to outgrow them in the blink of an eye so having an extra pair on hand is never a bad idea.
- Mini Melissa Heart Shoes // Everyone raves about these adorable little shoes. And they are super cute! My kids don’t have any, but everyone says they’re worth the investment. I actually found the same ones on MAJOR SALE (here).

- Heart Pom Pom Sweater // I mean COME ON! How stinking adorable is this sweater?! I want one in my size! I actually ordered this one for Hudson and can’t wait to see her totting around in it.
- Heart Pajamas // A little babe in fresh jammies. Is there anything better?
- Chambray Heart Dress // This little heart dress could work well after Valentine’s Day. Put it with tights, boots, and a cute white fur vest!
- Heart Sweater Onesie // This thing has all the heart eyes from me. How stinking cute is this! And thick sweater quality if you’ll have a cold Valentine’s Day like us.
- Baby Bling Heart Hairbow // If you have girls you need ALL the Baby Bling hairbows! They’re made of nylon (like pantyhose) so one size fits all. And just like pantyhose, when they get stretched out, you throw them in the washer and dryer and they’re back to original size. Both of my girls wear the same ones.
- Striped Dress with Heart Chambray Pockets // If you like a more subtle approach to holidays, this is your girl. Another cute dress that could be used long after Valentine’s Day.
- Heart Socks // We’re always in need of more socks. So why not some with a few hearts on them.
- Ruffle Butt Heart Leggings // Nothing gets me like a baby with ruffles on their butt. How cute!
- See Kai Run Pink Sneakers // One of the areas where I don’t scrimp is on kids shoes. A good quality pair of shoes is clutch for your little and See Kai Run is just that. Great quality which allows your little to walk properly.